The first EFBA-P open days after the Covid epidemic, called "Finding Joy in Your Life through Your body and mind", hosted by the capital of Belgium and the EU - Brussels, are behind us. The diversity, self-distance, sense of humor and naturalness typical of Belgians also rubbed off on the hosts and participants gathered at Jaques Brel Hostel on the last weekend of November.
On the first day, after a few words of introduction by the president of EFBA-P, Pedro Ribeiro da Silva, our bodies and minds were taken on a journey through the sands of the Egyptian desert by Violaine De Clerck, a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, international trainer of bioenergetic analysis and TRE (Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises), representing SOCIÉTE BELGE D'ANALYSE BIOÉNERGÉTIQUE (SOBAB). Driven by the sound of oriental rhythms, we could joyfully ground our hearts and energize our bodies, and finally meet with a sense of community in a double circle.

Then it was time for a tryst with our inner devils, to which we were invited by another representative of the hosts (SOBAB), an experienced therapist of bioenergetic analysis and TRE and the founder of ASBL "Vibrare" Thierry van Shuylenbergh.
Classes inspired by the work of the late Bennet Shapiro, combined with Thierry's original ideas, allowed us to recharge our life force in a safe and spontaneous way and meet and tame our inner demons. Supported by theoretical knowledge and personal experiences of the leader, the workshops ended with a demonically joyful expression of the entire group.

After the lunch break, Pedro Ribeiro da Silva took care of the peace of our minds and bodies by playing the role of a Buddhist monk for a moment. Pedro is known not only as the president of our federation and APAB (ASSOCIAÇAO PORTUGUESA DE ANALISE BIOENERGETICA) and a long-time promoter of bioenergetic analysis, but also a doctor of medical sciences (Universidade Classica de Lisboa) and a person who is very active in Portugal in the field of health. The soothing effect of his exercises provided the entire group with an opportunity for sensitive and deep contact with their own interior, and sometimes also with the interior of other participants.

At the end of the first day, evening recharging was provided by two other members of the EFBA-P EC Board, Magda Małkiewicz and Francisco Garcia Esteban, who, through a wide range of exercises, promoted bioenergetic analysis as a way to obtain vital energy and contact with one's sexuality.
The beginning and end of the workshop was the work of Francisco, who demonstrates his commitment and reliability in our European federation as treasurer, long-time board member and representative on the board of EAP (European Association for Psychotherapy). He is also a psychotherapist and psychologist with over 40 years of experience, CBT for almost 25 years, member of ASOCIACIÓN DE ANÁLISIS BIOENERGÉTICO DE MADRID (AABM) and founding member of the Spanish Association of Sexuality Professionals (AEPS).
We owe the energetic revival thanks to a whole range of pelvic-stimulating exercises to Magda, who, as a psychologist, psychotherapist and clinical sexologist, has been helping people understand their souls, bodies and sexuality for over 15 years. Magda is also a long-time president of the Polish Association
for Bioenergetic Analysis (PSAB), which is one of the most dynamically developing organizations within IIAB.

The next day, two new participants joined the open days, so in the expanded team we could wake up our bodies thanks to the morning exercises of the already mentioned Magda Małkiewicz. As a result, the entire room at the end of the exercises resounded with the word "joy".
The last workshop belonged to Olaf Trapp, former president of EFBA-P and the German NIBA (NORDDEUTSCHES INSTITUT FÜR BIOENERGETISCHE ANALYSE), an experienced supervisor and cbt of bioenergetic analysis, who presented "Passion & Aggression", which is also one of the main topics and program elements lectured by him in IPD (Integral Personal Development International) therapeutic school. Olaf, who is currently very actively promoting the method throughout the Balkan Peninsula, showed us where we stand in his characteristic way :)
During the exercises, we could learn and feel how to work constructively on our destructive, aggressive elements. Thanks to volunteers, we could also see a sample of a therapeutic intervention and get answers to many questions.

The open days turned out to be very fruitful, creating a great opportunity to see various shades of bioenergetic work in short, 1.5 hour sets for people from all over Europe, from Portugal to Georgia, and even for people from overseas. Thanks to the formula, they turned out to be extremely attractive both for experienced members of associations that have been focused on working with the body for decades, as well as for those who have just learned about the method, and even for those in countries where there are no organizations promoting bioenergetic analysis. As EFBA-P, we wish that the open days would become our annual tradition, we hope that all participants were find fun and joy of life through mind and body.